
Become a Mirai Builder


If you're passionate about sharing knowledge and inspiring others, let us equip you with a wealth of educational tools to help you achieve your goals.

Everyone can teach
We believe everyone can share their unique knowledge and experience.
Quality tools
We carefully select the perfect tools to enhance and support your teaching.
Teaching in your style
Select your preferred content-sharing format; articles, videos, PDFs, and more.
Inspire young learners
Time to share, with our support, your course shines for the next generation.
Many educational tools await your exploration
We empower educators with quality tools to maximize their impact.
Steps to become Mirai Builder Mirai Builder
In just three easy steps, you can freely share your content without limits.

Plan your courses

To ensure that your journey with your students go smoothly. Plan through what you are going to teach for the duration of your course.

Plan your courses

Create your chapters

Elevate your teaching with engaging video content, demonstrating your expertise with style and impact.

Create your chapters

Publish your work

Effortlessly upload content; attract eager young learners. Your journey, and theirs, begins with one click.

Publish your work
vision to reality
Share your knowledge and experience with the next generation and let's shape the future together.